Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Transitioning Back

Four and a half months????? How can that be? How could I get so sidetracked with the holidays, the boys, the relationship, the job, the house, my workouts, meal planning, (slowly) shrinking profile, and all the other things I use to distract myself from climbing the stairs to my little study and writing?

Of course my family are not distractions...they are priorities...but the other things? Well, I've got to find a way to motivate myself to get back here more often.

I'm so impressed with At Your Cervix...despite all of her obligations, and now graduate school, she manages to keep up her blog. Me, well, I'm wondering if I just don't particularly like always being so far away from my family when I'm writing. I love my little study. It has all my books, my favorite photographs and art projects, my professional journals and texts, along with piles of yarn, fabrics, and other needlework supplies stashed in the closet. Maybe I need a studio too, someday...when the 19 year old finally decides to move out of the bonus room over the garage that I had targeted for it. But back to my study...I've decorated it in my favorite colors. I love the huge old rolltop desk (my husband calls it my womb), overstuffed chair and ottoman, and bookshelves I've managed to squeeze into the tiny space. It's says me, and me alone to anyone who walks into it. There are times I just want to shut the door on the testosterone chaos (even the pets are male) in my house, pour a cup of tea, wrap up in one of my throws, and read, knit, write, journal, listen to music, and sometimes even drowse off in that wonderful chair...but not always; and with the amount of ideas for writing rolling around in my brain, all of the experiences I want to process, I could spend days...weeks up here getting it all out in text. I've tried sneaking in to my husband's office to write while I'm down in the thick of family life...but invariably he needs to get on the computer or I become an unwilling partner in his engineering business, taking calls, filling, or chasing receivables...shudder!

So what's a reticent writer/blogger to do?

I may try to work some extra shifts and get a laptop...something I could keep downstairs, in the middle of all the family mayhem, and use when the spirit strikes me. I could keep my recipes and meal plans on it; I could keep my food and exercise logs on it; I could fiddle with my fledgling photography hobby on it; plan my grocery trips while perusing all the coupon sites...fritter away time on Facebook...well, ok, I'll need to try to curb the temptation to do that...not easy when just about everyone I work with...nurses, techs, attendings and residents alike...use it to unload on each other after shift upon shift of craziness ( I guess if we can't debrief at work, we can do it online).

So; until that laptop shows up, I've got to find a way to spend more time, at least every few days, back at this computer.

Here's to good intentions!

1 comment:

AtYourCervix said...

Hey girl - I wish I had a study! My area is right at the kitchen table - laptop, school books, (two!) corkboards for reminders and inspiration (pictures, etc). I'm right in the middle of life in my "study" area. I thrive on the noise and business of family, work, school, etc all at one time.

How are you classes going?